Smithsonian National Museum of American Art and National Portrait Gallery

Some projects provide a life-time of experience.
We provided full estimating services during the 5 year design phase for a complete renovation of the Old Patent Office Building (POB), a pre-civil war masonry bearing wall building in Washington DC.
The POB held an inaugural ball for then 2nd term president Abraham Lincoln, and currently houses 2 Smithsonian museums, the National Portrait Gallery and the National Museum of American Art. The long-term project included renovations of 100% of the 400,000 sf full city block building, including a comprehensive replacement of all mechanical and electrical systems, added piece-meal over the decades. Sensitive restoration, matching and repair of historic material such as encaustic tile, decorative Venetian plaster, stone tile flooring, monumental staircases, masonry barrel vaulting, cast iron framing, cast plaster detailing, the list goes on just about forever.